Rabbi Silverman has authored an article in Zeramim: An Online Journal of Applied Jewish Thought, vol. IV:issue 3–Spring-Summer 2020/5780. You can read it HERE.
View current news articles, commentary, videos and more having an impact on Jewish culture, politics and religion at Rabbi Silverman's Sites to See
Please help keep the minyan and Shabbat services strong. Be aware that Zoom continues unabated for now, for our weekday evening minyan, and for Sunday morning and evening.
A reprise, with some adjustments, for our COVID-19 era. (With apologies to Gershwin and Heyward):
Summer time and the living is easy
Fish are jumpin’, and the cotton is high
But that don’t mean-- you shouldn’t daven
So push yourselves baby—please come by!
Summer time and the living is easy
Makin a minyan is sometimes one shy
So that means, you can Zoom in to rescue,
So push yourselves landsmen– don’t make us cry
Summer time, and the living is easy
Golfs a schwitz, and your score is a scream
Why run, on the hot tennis court pavement?
So daven here baby, on Friday night’s stream.
Shabbat mornings, are for those with resistance
Our shul is open, now, to those who will try
Follow rules, of mask at a distance--
And make a nice minyan– for your rabbi.
Summer time, being lonely ain’t easy!
Here rabbi reads Torah; the Hazzan he croons.
The service is casual, so come as you pleasy
If you prefer, join with Zoom.
We really miss you, as we go into summer
We miss our kehilah, we cannot lie,
not seeing your faces, it’s really a bummer--
so add to our numbers, the limit’s the sky.