Memorial Book
Sisterhood continues its tradition of printing the Memorial Book for use throughout the 5785 year. Each name is $6.00.
Please click on the button below to download the Memorial Book form. Forms are due by September 13, 2024.
Age-appropriate classrooms for babies, pre-schoolers and schoo-aged children, with a drop-off and pickup station and identification wristbands.
Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3 from 10:00 am - service end
Friday, October 4 from 10:00 am - service end
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12 from 10:00 am - service end
Register you children by clicking on the button below to downloadi the form.
High Holiday Bima Flowers
Join with other congregants in sponsoring flowers to adorn our bima during the High Holidays. With a donation of $54 you can commemorate a loved one or celebrate a simcha. Your generous donation will be acknowledged inthe ENJC Weekly Update. Please download the form by clicking on the button below. Forms are due to the ENJC office by September 18, 2024.
Share your Simchas for the High Holidays!
Do you have a family simcha to share with your congregation family? Our "Milestones" booklet includes engagements, weddings, births, graduations, promotions, etc.
Please complete the form by clicking on the button below. Forms are due to the ENJC office by September 20, 2024.
Honey Baskets
Order honey baskets to wish your fellow congregants a Sweet New Year. Baskets are $6 with a 5-basket minimum order. Send a basket to every congregant for $180 and be entered in a raffle to win a $50 gift card to Pastrami 'n' Friends or Bagel Boss Hicksville! Please complete the form by clicking on the button below. Forms are due to the ENJC office by September 20, 2024, or order on the Shulcloud site:
Parking Raffle
Enter your name to be the winner of one of 3 parking spots for the High Holidays! $18 per ticket- no limit to the number of entries you can submit. Please click on the button below to download the Parking Raffle form. Forms are due in to the ENJC office by September 20, 2024.
Men and women are asked to volunteer to usher during High Holiday services. Please download the form by clicking on the button below to indicate the dates and times you are available– feel free to chekc more than one time. Send you completed form to
Order your Lulav and Etrog
Sukkot starts Wednesday night, October 16th! Order your lulav and etrog with extra Hoshanos for Hoshana Rabba. Information aobut purchasing a sukkah is also included on the form. Click on the button below to download your order form. Deadline for orders is September 30, 2024.
Torah Fund
Donate to Torah Fund and support the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and the Schechter Insititute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, as well as scholarships and numerous other special projects. Torah Fund welcomes your donation of any amount.
Receive the 5784 pin, highlighting the word "arevut," responsibility. All people of Israel are responsible for one another. Support Torah Fund with the following donations:
$180 - Benefactor
$300 - Guardian
$600 - Associate Patron
$1,200 - Patron
$2,500 - Scholarship
$5,000 - Keter Kavod
Make your online donation directly to Torah Fund!/donation/checkout
NOTE: Please contact Sue Kazzaz if you make a donation for which you should receive a pin. Pins will be available in August– in time for the High Holidays.
Tru Earth Eco-Friendly Essentials
Make a purchase through the ENJC Link and the synagogue will make 20% of that sale in profits! Not only are you helping to save the planet, but the ENJC as well- it's a win-win! Shipping is free to your home and re-orders can be placed quickly and easily. Order now!
Israeli Bonds: Invest in Israel
An Israeli Bond is a loan you make to the State of Israel to help strengthn its modern, innovative and diverse economy. In return fo the loan, the State of Israel agrees to pay interest to you and repaly the loan at the end of its term, backed by the full faith and credit of the State of Israel. Contact
Support Men's Club and Purchase T-shirts
All T-shirts available Adult sizes only
$15 each
Choose gray or blue
Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, XXLarge
Paving Our Future
Purchase 4"x8" and 8"x 8" engraved bricks for the patio that will be added to the ENJC Grounds.
4"x8" bricks are $118
8"x8" bricks are $180