I am not sure what is hotter– the weather or my enthusiasm. It's been an awesome summer in shul. It's wonderful to have Shabbat services with Rabbi Silverman and Hazzan Walvick. The ruach in the synagogue over the last few weeks has been contagious. Please come down and join us. Our clergy have just started working together and it seems like they have been a duo for years. The High Holidays should be a great experience for all.

There are a few people that I would like to acknowledge for going above and beyond in the last fifteen months, and those who have contributed significantly in the last few years. Rabbi Silverman has been doing double duty during our Shabbat services. Eric Loring has been our member/cantor during most Shabbats– Musaf, Laining Torah, Haftorahs and everything else that you could think of. Yasher Koach to these two gentlemen for leading ENJC in our Shabbat services these past couple of years!

Under the guidance of our VP of Ritual, Ed Isaac, services have been seamless during Rabbi's vacations. Ed made sure that there was coverage for all parts of the Friday night and Saturday services, as well as Monday night minyanim. There have been many more congregants who have helped out in participating and leading our services. If I tried to name all of you I would surely forget some. Yasher Koach and Thank You!

There is also an excitement in the Religious School wing of our building. We are excited to welcome Ellen Marcus to the ENJC as our Principal of the Religious School. Ellen comes to ENJC with some terrific ideas and fun learning programs. Ellen is an experienced leader in learning on Long Island.