Happy New Year!

It has been a very interesting year at ENJC, and likewise, 2019 will see many significant changes. In the first quarter of the year, we will be rolling out our fob system to better secure the entrance to our building. Please look for your notification in the mail so you can come to the office to get your fob. Meanwhile, the security committee has been working diligently, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on the grant paperwork, so that hopefully, by late spring, we will start to see some of those planned changes to protect our building and property.

We anticipate introducing a new chazzan in July, to be in place in time for the Jewish New Year. The cantor search committee has been very busy, reading resumes, listening to recordings, and interviewing candidates as they become available. We plan to invite some candidates for Shabbat weekends to determine if they are a fit for our shul. Please come down and join us for those Shabbats. It would be nice to have a large crowd, and it would also give you an opportunity form and voice your opinion on these candidates. Please look for notification of those Shabbats in future Weekly Updates and The Bulletin.

We have been discussing the idea of introducing more programming and events for our senior members. If this is of interest to you, please send me an e-mail with your name and what type of programs you would like ENJC to host.

My new year’s wish is to have more congregants attend and support our daily minyan. Our turnout for events in 2018 was wonderful and I would like to see it grow even more in 2019.

Amanda, Danny, Meryl and I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year, from our family to yours!